Chalk paint tutorial number 2–distressing with two colours and clear wax.

Just want to spread the word!  In the not too distant future I plan on doing a few tutorials myself- at this moment, my shop is in shambles, I have furniture busting at the seams… is a good thing, but slightly stressful when trying to attempt work in complete chaos.

So please enjoy Annie Sloan!

Dining table…take two.





I have decided that I am a furniture junkie.  I think it is a good thing.

I while ago I bought a big harvest table with really ugly legs.  I sawed the legs down and painted them with the intent of them being temporary.  I was hoping to find new legs that would work well with the giant slab of oak that the table top is made from.  I had a few ideas- I wanted some sort of metal- almost an industrial loft kind of feel but I couldn’t find anything to work with my concept.  So the old table stayed.  There really was nothing wrong with it- just its legs.  They drove me crazy because our room is open concept but the dining area is one step up from the living area- so I always have a full view of exactly what was driving me crazy about the legs.

If you look in this photo of the old table- the part where the legs hold up the top seems to be cut short- like there are two chunks missing out of the side.  When you sit at the same level- you barely notice this but because of the level issue in my house…..I was going insane.

Anyway, I have been stalking Allegro (Polish ebay) and have been watching a table for about five weeks but didn’t think it would be wise to buy such a big table at this moment.

Then we signed the lease for my new shop space.  It is a different one than we originally looked at.  This one is so much better.  Better everything.  I only need to paint the inside and hang a sign and of course arrange everything- but the location is super also.

So now that I have a much larger space I plan on offering more courses on painting with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™- I have a student that works for me and we plan on organizing groups in Polish- so he will be able to help me with any language issues I have…….So I need a bigger table.  Perfect.  I have just found my reason to buy the harvest table I have been stalking.

And here it is.  I paid 300 pln for the table- 100 of that was the cost of transport so the actual table itself was about 60 dollars.  It works so much better in our space.  I love the legs and I love the open legs which give the illusion of more space.



My house is not matchy matchy- I have very eclectic tastes- so this fits in perfectly.  I am just thrilled!

Now I just need to move into the new space… garage is filled to its max!


What is new and exciting in my part of the world…..

well, I am working on moving to a new larger space.  We are currently in negotiations for a larger warehouse kind of space just down the road from where I am now.  It has loads of potential.

Which really means it is a disaster.

The good points:

Large open space, three rooms- a show room, work studio and a room for painting classes.

The bad points:

It needs a coat of paint, or three, in the entire space, the front elevation needs to be redone and the yard area needs cleaning and organizing.

Because I am married to a “leasing agent extraordinaire” we are trying to get the most bang for our buck.

The name of it is going to be something like “Poppy, prawdziwy Vintage”  or something similar as well as “Brush studio”.

Poppies are an important flower over here.  There are fields upon fields of them in the warmer months and the seeds are used in baking.  I think it suits the style well.


My kids start school next week–ah yes, this day has finally come!  The end of the summer seems to just drag on and on.  The kids are ready to start school and I am ready for them to start school!

I am also in training to run 5k.  Or rather, I was.  I am doing this program called “couch to 5k” –it is a great program because it starts you off slowly.  It is an 8 week program and by the end of it you should be able to run 5k.

I am in the 8th week.  I am running about 4k.  Or rather, I was.  I somehow hurt my foot.  I don’t think I hurt it from running- I seem to remember stepping on something and it hitting directly on my arch.  So now I can’t run.  I tried to the other day- I ran the 4k but when I stopped my foot was in so much pain I thought I was going to faint.

So now I have a meeting with a specialist in sports medicine so he can fix me and then I will finish the 8th week and ultimately 5k.

So this is what is happening where I live…..fingers crossed on the new space!